We were making brownies for dessert one night and Dalia has never gotten to lick the batter out of the bowl before. I gave each of the girls a spatula and let them go to town. They loved it. Dalia did, however, stop halfway through to eat some peaches. She's so funny. She would almost always rather eat fresh fruits or veggies than the sugary sweets. Not Mina, though. She always prefers the sugary sweets.
One night we went the the farmer's market with some friends and they got their little boy a cupcake from one of the stands. Mina really wanted one, but we really didn't want to spend so much money on one little cupcake so I told her we would make some the next morning at home and she could decorate them herself. She was so excited about it. So was Dalia. Mina took her time decorating, but Dalia just sprinkled one color on and got busy eating.
Mmm, now I want some brownies! They are so cute cleaning out that bowl. So funny about Dalia taking a break to eat peaches!