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Friday, October 15, 2010

Medieval Times... again, but this time with Mina

Our friends called us up last Thursday night and randomly asked if we wanted to go to Medieval Times with them. Tickets were half off and my best friend, Jennifer, was in town. We thought about it for a few minutes and decided that since Mina was so good during the jousting tournament at the Renaissance Festival that she would love Medieval Times as well. We were just worried that it is a 2 hour show that would go an hour past her bedtime. We decided to do it. And, we all had so much fun. Mina was amazing! She loved watching the horses and cheering with everybody. She never tried to get away from us either. She just kept going back and forth from me to Dru. She had to sit on our laps to get in for free.
When the knights brought flowers out to throw to people in the audience, Dru held Mina up really high and I stood up next to them waving my arms and our knight threw Mina a flower. She thought it was pretty cool and we thought it was so cute. She waved her flower around as well as a couple of banners we had gotten.
Towards the end of the show she started getting tired, so she laid down on my shoulder a few times, but as soon as the audience started cheering she was up again watching. She also just had to have her crown on the whole time. She still likes wearing it around the house, too. It's cute.

Maryland Renaissance Festival

The first weekend in October, we ventured over to the Maryland Renaissance Festival. Supposedly it's the most beautiful festival of its kind in the United States. And, the least expensive. That's what some friends of ours who frequent them told us, anyways. It was very beautiful. There was so much detail everywhere and everything was surprisingly inexpensive. It made for a very fun day. Mina was fabulous, too! There were only a couple of things that bugged me about it. The smoking everywhere and the clothing a lot of the women were wearing.

Dru the queen and Mina the king.

Now the way it should be. Mina the queen and Dru the king.

Mina got to ride a pony! She seemed a little confused at first, but by the end she was petting it and loving it!

Still unsure what to think.

Daddy telling her it's a horse and to pet him.

She's so brave!

We got to watch a jousting tournament and Mina had a blast cheering on the horses, or "soes" as she calls them.

She was cracking us up with her little cheer moves.

She'd point to the horses and ask, "what's that," and respond with, "a soe."

She looked at me randomly at one point like this and said, "I see see!"

I asked her to look at me and smile and this was the ADORABLE face she gave me!

Dru had a rough time trying to tackle this game. Mina cracked up when he fell off!

Mina the artist

Mina really likes to color. She knows she's supposed to color on paper or her chalkboard, but any chance she gets she'll color on the walls, the couch, herself or any other thing she's not supposed to color on. Stinker.

Mina the Rock Star

Our friend, Sarah White, had a birthday in September and decided to throw a rock star themed party. She wanted people to dress up, but other than herself, Mina and I were the only ones to dress up. I didn't get a picture of myself, but Mina's the cute one anyways. She had a lot of fun playing with all of the other kids that were there and hiding in the cabinets. I think she just looked way too cute.