I asked Dru if we were going to go to the Air Force Ball this year and he said we'd only go if our friends, the Pfeifers, were going. I'm glad they had decided to go because I actually really like going to these functions. It's fun to get dressed up and go on a formal date. I tried to find a dress in my closet that would work with my gigantic 37 week pregnant belly, but I couldn't find anything. I decided to check out Ross and the first dress I picked up to try on was the one I bought. It was 17 dollars. Woohoo! I don't like spending a lot of money and it's a dress I can wear when not pregnant, too.
Our friends, Sam and Michelle, offered a free night of babysitting as a birthday gift to me back in January and we finally took them up on it this night. The girls LOVE them and Mina watched for them at the window almost all day. Nick and Angela met us at our house and we rode to the ball together. There was a delicious cheese bar set up which we gladly helped ourselves to. Ha. I was starving. We met some new people who sat at the same table as us and the dinner was delicious. Dessert was delicious, too. It was the first year where I actually knew somebody else there. Dru likes to socialize and say hi to everyone he knows so it was nice to have Angela there to keep me company. We couldn't understand the speakers very well and after the the final speaker, who started his speech late, was still going on after almost an hour, we decided to take off when he finished and miss out on anything else in the program. It was getting late. We had a great time.

Dru finished up the Intermediate Chinese course towards the end of September and was one of two students who ended up being a distinguished graduate. He scored very well on the DLPT. I just don't know how he does it. He's a very intelligent person and I hope our kids pick that up from him. He amazes us all the time.
It was very hot in the room the graduation ceremony was held. I was dying. I had to fan myself the entire time. The girls were mostly good. Dalia embarrassed me once. Here's what I shared on facebook that day:
"I tried so hard to get Dalia to whisper when she wanted to talk and she did well overall... until she farted. I knew what was coming. In her normal loud voice, she said, "I fart again!" And silly me, in the heat of the moment, I just told her to whisper, forgetting that she'll repeat it over and over again, and louder each time, until I say, "oh, you farted?" It took her saying it 3 times in that quiet room before I got it right. I almost broke into one of those uncontrollable laughing fits, but somehow managed to control myself. I looked at Dru and could see him chuckling under his breath, too. Ahhh, Dalia. She's lucky she's so cute."
The girls were so cute at the end and wanted to get up and shake Daddy's hand just like everyone else in the room were doing. I wish I could have gotten a picture of all of us together, but oh well.