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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mina turned 4

I don't know how it happened, but Mina is 4 years old now!  She's quite a character, too.  I can't believe we've had 4 years with this fantastic child.  She has been so much fun.  I just want to talk about some of the wonderful things about her at this moment in her life.  First of all, she is smart.  She is so smart.  She loves to figure things out and to try to do everything on her own.  We went to a restaurant the other day and on the kids menu was a word search puzzle.  I noticed she had circled some letters and I said, "oh good job, Mina, you found ekacnap."  Then a few minutes later, I looked again and realized she had found "pancake."  It was the first word on the list and it was backwards in the puzzle.  She brought the menu home and has been working on finishing the puzzle on her own ever since.  She's always so determined and she rarely wants help.  She's very witty, too.  She loves to make people laugh and is always coming up with her own funny little jokes.  They don't make sense often, but they still make us laugh.  She loves to make funny faces and she loves to dance.  The best times are when she doesn't know anybody is paying attention to her.  She loves to write.  She's doing really well with sounding out letters, so hopefully she'll start writing some things all on her own soon.  I can't wait to see what she comes up with.  She really can't wait to start school, either.  I'm both looking forward to that and not looking forward to that.  I don't know how I'm going to let her go.  She does love going to Sunbeams and does really well.  She loves to help me cook and bake.  She loves to go outside.  She loves playing with her friends and she loves playing with her sister.  She is playing T-ball currently and is pretty good.  She really loves it, too, unlike soccer.  She was really upset when we had to miss practice one day.  She is still a picky eater, which is really frustrating sometimes.  But, she does love peanut butter sandwiches, mac and cheese, cheese and a lot of fruits.  She will rarely eat any vegetables and pretty much steers clear of meats.  She loves anything princess related and currently loves Spongebob, Spiderman and a few other weird and random shows.  She loves doing anything crafty and loves to draw.  I absolutely love seeing her artistic skill develop.  She gets more detailed every time she draws a picture.  She is also very sensitive.  She doesn't like to see others cry and does get upset if she does something wrong.  One night a couple weeks ago she had a very tiny accident in her panties and I asked her to go to the bathroom and then change her panties.  She started crying and kept saying over and over again that she didn't mean to.  I told her it was okay and that I was just a little upset, but that all she needed to do was go potty and change her panties and then come give me a hug.  She kept crying and eventually said to me from the top of the stairs, "I'm not going to be your friend if you're mad at me."  It was so sad.  She eventually did all that I asked and we cuddled for a while.  We just love her so much and can't imagine life without her.  

Minutes old.

1 year old.

2 years old.

3 years old.

4 years old.


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