Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Welcome, Rory

Rory Mark Jorgensen

Wednesday night, October 2, we were watching the show, 24.  It was around 11:00 pm when I felt something pop in my stomach.  I didn't really think much of it.  The show ended and I used the bathroom downstairs before heading up to bed.  On the way up the stairs I felt like I was leaking so I ran to the toilet in my bathroom and I knew my water had broken.  There was a stream of liquid coming out of me.  I cleaned up a bit and called the hospital.  The nurse I spoke with told me she wasn't so sure it was my water that broke (ha, there's no way it hadn't) and that I should call back in an hour and to report how things were going... like how much more I was leaking.  I had had some minor contractions earlier in the day, but nothing was going on at that moment.  I called back and reported that there were gushes every time I stood up.  She informed me that my doctor allows his patients to stay at home for up to 4 hours after their water breaks.  So, it was 12:30 am when I called back and she told me to be in by 3:30 am.  I let my mom know what was going on and Dru and I packed up and tried to take a nap.  Dru succeeded, but I was too anxious to fall to sleep.  Contractions started about an hour later and were about 7 minutes apart and lasting more than a minute each when we headed to the hospital at 3:30 am.  We got there about 3:45 am.  We got all checked in and I got into my lovely gown and laid on the bed for a bit.  The nurse checked me and I was dilated to 4 centimeters.  The contractions were not yet very painful and so Dru and I walked around for about 45 minutes.
By 5:00 am I was in the bed and contractions started picking up, but still manageable.  About an hour later I was dilated to 5 centimeters.  Another nurse had come in and wanted to get an IV hooked up to me in case I wanted any intervention or if something happened that they would need to get something in me quickly.  I kind of freaked out thinking they were going to put me on Pitocin which I absolutely did not want.  I was trying my hardest to do this labor all natural.  Since the contractions still weren't terribly painful I asked if we could wait a while because I didn't want a needle in my hand for so long.  That was a mistake.  The contractions immediately picked up and when I asked for an epidural my nurse tried 2 times to get an IV going in my arm/hand and failed.  She had to call another nurse to come get it in and said the anesthesiologist was still a half hour from being able to come give me the epidural.  It was probably somewhere between 6:30 am and 7:00 am at this point and contractions were on top of each other.  There were no breaks and these were the most painful I've ever felt in all of my labors.  A few minutes later I told Dru that I needed to push.  Dru told the nurses and they called my doctor and now there was no time for an epidural.  My doctor was on his way and the nurses would not let me push until he got there.  I was so mad.  They kept saying, "just breathe in and blow out like you're blowing out a candle."  A bit after 7:00 am I heard them call my doctor again and found out he was in the parking lot.  He got there a few minutes later and we got right to pushing.  3 pushes later, Rory, at 7:37 am on October 3, entered the world.  I can't even describe how wonderful the feeling is when a baby finally leaves your body and the pain that you've been experiencing just stops.  What a relief.  And then I had to get stitches.  I received a few numbing shots and the doctor stitched me up.  Luckily, it wasn't nearly as much tearing as with Dalia and Mina, so it went pretty quickly.  He weighed 8 pounds 13 ounces and was 21.5 inches long.  He has the least amount of hair of all our kids.  There's not much on the top front part of his head, but it's abundant in the back.  (His hair looks really light in a lot of the pictures, but it's actually very dark.)  I enjoyed having my brand new baby cuddled in my arms.  I love that this hospital lets babies stay with their parents pretty much the entire time you're staying.  The only thing they take the baby away from you for is the hearing test and then for circumcisions for boys.

We got cleaned up and settled in and I just got to hold my baby for a couple hours before he was even given a bath.  We didn't have any cell phone service in our room, so Dru left for a little bit to make a couple calls and send some messages to people.  My mom and the girls came around noon and stayed until around 4.  Dru left to take the second part of his DLPT during that time.  I was so happy to see my girls and sad when they had to leave.  They were so good while visiting, too.  We all had lunch together and Mina couldn't wait to hold Rory.  Dalia didn't want to hold him, but was very interested in looking at him and "petting" him.  She told us, while petting him, that it was "kind of like a dog."  Haha.  Then when Rory cried, Dalia started cracking up and would say, "the baby say, 'AHHHHHHHHHHHH!'" And she would just laugh.  Both girls kept calling him "the baby brother" instead of by his name.  It was funny.

So, my mom and the girls left and Dru and I looked forward to being able to go home the next morning.  I was so uncomfortable in the hospital bed that I had Dru sleep on it and I slept on the little couch in the room.  They took Rory sometime in the night to do his hearing test and then the next morning we waited on the doctor to come do the circumcision.  Well, he got there too late to do it that morning and said he would be back after lunch.  That meant we wouldn't be able to go home until late afternoon.  That frustrated me, but we got everything else taken care of so that that would be the only thing we had to wait on.  But then the nurse came in to tell me that they had read Rory's blood type wrong earlier and that I would have to get the Rhogam shot after all.  But, they had to take my blood first, test it and then give me that shot.  Grrr.  So, then we ended up waiting on that.  Finally a little after 4:00 pm we got into our car to go home.  I hate being cooped up in a hospital.  Though I appreciate all the care the wonderful nurses gave me, I was so glad to be home with my little family.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Ward Bonfire on the Beach

Our ward had an activity on Carmel Beach.  I was really excited about this one because my mom would be here and I'd get to show off how awesome it is where we live a bit.  Dru and the girls got to help get the fire going and we soon got to cooking our dinners and s'mores.  Dalia absolutely loves to get her feet in the water.  She kept begging me to take her over to the water, but being 39 weeks pregnant, I wasn't feeling up to standing in the frigid water.  When Dru finally took a break from helping out he took her to the water for a bit.  I asked him to not let her pants get wet because it would get cold when the sun set.  Of course, she got wet and just wanted to sit on grandma's lap the rest of the night.  Mina took off with her friends once they all arrived and we didn't see her much other than her running back and forth and when she wanted to roast marshmallows.  My mom thought it was pretty cool to enjoy a fire on the beach and had a good time as well.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Air Force Ball and Dru's Graduation

I asked Dru if we were going to go to the Air Force Ball this year and he said we'd only go if our friends, the Pfeifers, were going.  I'm glad they had decided to go because I actually really like going to these functions.  It's fun to get dressed up and go on a formal date.  I tried to find a dress in my closet that would work with my gigantic 37 week pregnant belly, but I couldn't find anything.  I decided to check out Ross and the first dress I picked up to try on was the one I bought.  It was 17 dollars.  Woohoo!  I don't like spending a lot of money and it's a dress I can wear when not pregnant, too.  
Our friends, Sam and Michelle, offered a free night of babysitting as a birthday gift to me back in January and we finally took them up on it this night.  The girls LOVE them and Mina watched for them at the window almost all day.  Nick and Angela met us at our house and we rode to the ball together.  There was a delicious cheese bar set up which we gladly helped ourselves to.  Ha.  I was starving.  We met some new people who sat at the same table as us and the dinner was delicious.  Dessert was delicious, too.  It was the first year where I actually knew somebody else there.  Dru likes to socialize and say hi to everyone he knows so it was nice to have Angela there to keep me company.  We couldn't understand the speakers very well and after the the final speaker, who started his speech late, was still going on after almost an hour, we decided to take off when he finished and miss out on anything else in the program.  It was getting late.  We had a great time.

Dru finished up the Intermediate Chinese course towards the end of September and was one of two students who ended up being a distinguished graduate.  He scored very well on the DLPT.  I just don't know how he does it.  He's a very intelligent person and I hope our kids pick that up from him.  He amazes us all the time.

It was very hot in the room the graduation ceremony was held.  I was dying.  I had to fan myself the entire time.  The girls were mostly good.  Dalia embarrassed me once.  Here's what I shared on facebook that day:

 "I tried so hard to get Dalia to whisper when she wanted to talk and she did well overall... until she farted. I knew what was coming. In her normal loud voice, she said, "I fart again!" And silly me, in the heat of the moment, I just told her to whisper, forgetting that she'll repeat it over and over again, and louder each time, until I say, "oh, you farted?" It took her saying it 3 times in that quiet room before I got it right. I almost broke into one of those uncontrollable laughing fits, but somehow managed to control myself. I looked at Dru and could see him chuckling under his breath, too. Ahhh, Dalia. She's lucky she's so cute."

The girls were so cute at the end and wanted to get up and shake Daddy's hand just like everyone else in the room were doing.  I wish I could have gotten a picture of all of us together, but oh well.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Primary Colors

Mina had been asking what colors it takes to make other colors.  I remembered seeing this little experiment on Pinterest and thought she would enjoy it.  We learned all about the primary colors and that those 3 colors can make every other color.  We dyed some water in 3 different cups blue, yellow and red.  We put twisted paper towels in each cup and put the other end of the paper towel in an adjacent cup.  We watched as the colors climbed the towels and combined, producing a new color.  Mina actually got a bit impatient so we helped the colors climb by sticking our fingers in the water and dabbing them higher up on the towels.  She did enjoy the experiment and learned from it.  She was excited to tell Dru all about it when he got home.

The girls wanted to paint their nails later, so we did.  Dalia was such a pain, though.  I painted 2 of her toenails before she told me she didn't want them painted and made me take them off.  So I took off the paint.  Then she decided she did want them painted, so I painted them all.  2 coats of polish and one coat of glitter.  I started on her fingernails.  I got 2 nails done and she wanted it off.  I took it off and then she decided she wanted them painted after all.  I painted them.  2 coats of polish and a coat of glitter.  When I finished and told her how to hold her hands for them to dry, not 5 minutes later she wanted all the polish off.  Off of her finger nails and toe nails.  I told her I wasn't going to take them off because I just knew she would want it right back on.  She cried, and cried... and cried!  She must have cried for at least a half hour about wanting all the nail polish off.  I didn't take it off.  It was a lot of work.  She liked them later on.

I love moments like this, when they just get a long and love each other.