Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My birthday

So it was the big 2-5 for me a few weeks ago. January 19th to be exact. My birthday was on Tuesday, but Dru happened to have the Monday off so we celebrated before he went home AND on the actual day. My mom had made me a birthday cake while Dru was here. Dru took a piece right out the middle before he left and then on my actual birthday we munched on it all day long. So, by that night when people came over to celebrate with me, there wasn't much of a cake left, but we still put candles in it so that I could blow candles out after being sung to. It was pretty funny. Also, since Meagan swears that she didn't get a cake on her birthday in November, we lit the candles again so that she could blow them out. That was pretty funny, too. She's a nerd.

My lovely birthday cake before lighting the candles.

Meagan waiting for her turn. Haha.

Bowling on New Year's Eve

Mina is sick today and sleeping a lot so I'm catching up on a little bit of blogging. These pictures are from New Year's Eve. We went cosmic bowling and were supposed to have stayed to watch fireworks, but it was extremely cold, I didn't feel well and Mina was tired. Mina got to bowl for the first time though. She enjoyed it and she didn't do too shabby either.

Look how perfectly down the middle that ball rolled! Go Mina!

Are you sure we're in Texas?

This last week we had almost a foot of snow fall on us. It was the perfect kind of snow, too. Perfect for making snowballs and snowmen and forts. It was so sticky. I loved it! Because it fell during the week, Dru wasn't here to enjoy it with us, but we sure had tons of fun anyways. Well, Mina didn't enjoy it so much, but I 'm sure it was because she's been a bit sick lately. I bundled her up into her snowsuit and sat her in the snow. She cried until I picked up some snow in my hands to show it to her. She was outside less than 10 minutes before we brought her back in to warm up. But, the rest of us built a couple of snowmen and played with the dogs out there.

Mina just loved the snow!

Can't you tell?

She looked cute in her snow suit though.

She was a bit more content when we showed her what the snow could do.

What is this stuff?

Momma and daughter in the snow. She's so cute!

Me and my cousin's daughter Averie starting the balls for the snowman.

Averie. Is she not the cutest 5 year old you have ever seen?

Ayden. He likes to eat snow.

Our tribute to Calvin and Hobbes.

This snowman didn't stand for very long. I was told he just fell over, but I think someone pushed him.

He was funny looking anyways.

Whitlee, Taylor and Keyana. Yes, Taylor was out there in practically underwear.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Mina's teeth

In the last month Mina has cut 3 new teeth, bringing the grand total to 5 teeth. One more is just about to cut through. Also, for the past couple of weeks we have had my cousin, Laurie and her 5 cute kids staying with us. They are moving down to Texas and are in the process of finding a home. It has been both crazy and loads of fun having such a full house. There is never a dull moment and Mina absolutely loves it. There is always something going on. Games, movies, outings, walks, it never ends.

A crazy face my cousin's daughter, Kirsten, caught on camera. Mina is so funny. You can see her bottom teeth and the two on the top to the sides of where her front top teeth will be.

Mina has also been standing on her own, with no support, for longer and longer periods of time every day. She walks with her little walker toy across the living room and I know any day now she is just going to take off on her own two little feet all of the place. She is starting to eat more and more "real" food. Last night she enjoyed a meal my sister, Meagan, made which consisted of rice, broccoli, cheese and chicken. She went to town on it. She loves any chance to climb up the stairs and loves to point. She still loves making goofy faces and copying us. And, my favorite thing of all, as of late, is that it is getting easier and easier to make her laugh. It's so great to hear such wonderful noise come out of her so often.