Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Monday, June 10, 2013


Dru had a class break the first week of June.  Since we've never gone on a vacation that didn't involve going to see family, we thought we'd do that now.  We're not in California for much longer and the girls are way into most things Disney, especially princesses and Toy Story.  So we decided to take a trip to Disneyland since we are so close.  We won't have as good as an opportunity as we did here.  There was an amazing deal going on for military that enabled us to get 3 day park hopper passes.  We drove down Sunday after church and checked in to our hotel, or "holy-tell" as Mina liked to call it.  And the next morning began our fun.  Dru thought the hotel we got was right outside the main gate, but he was a tad wrong.  It was a little over a mile away.  We walked that first morning and after walking around all day in the park, I dreaded the walk home.  Haha.  I had blisters all over my feet.  I was worried about the next couple of days of walking, but wearing flip flops instead of tennis shoes helped tremendously.  We also ended up driving to the parking lot and rode the shuttle to the entrance the next 2 days.  We ate the complimentary breakfasts at our hotel each morning and packed, drinks, lunches and snacks for each day and then we bought dinner somewhere each evening.
Anyways, Dru and I had researched a little bit on which rides and attractions we definitely wanted to do and see.  We went to the Disneyland park the first day, the California Adventure Park the second day and both on the third day to go on all of our favorite rides one last time before we headed out.  The girls had so much fun.  The weather was great and the crowds weren't too bad yet.  One of my favorite moments was when Dalia met Rapunzel.  I totally thought she would freak out because she has had such stranger fear lately, but she walked right up to her and interacted with her.  It was the cutest thing to watch.  Mina, on the other hand, was a bit nervous and it took her a few minutes to build up the courage to talk to her and hug her.  Rapunzel was the only real person we got to meet.  The other characters we met were in full on costumes with no real faces, so Dalia was a little skeptical of those.  They got to meet Buzz, Woody and Jesse and that was probably their favorite character meetings.  We got to go on so many rides and many of the rides we went on multiple times.  Our favorites ended up being the Buzz ride, the Ariel ride, the Pirates ride and Alice in Wonderland.  We went on those many times and I'm pretty sure we went on the Ariel ride at least 10 times.  On the Buzz ride, everyone gets a lazer gun and you actually get to shoot and earn a score.  I beat Dru every single time.  I was proud of myself because I never beat Dru at anything.  But, he thinks I cheated.  Oh well.  Dru even took Mina on some of the scarier rides that she was tall enough for, like Space Mountain and the Tower of Terror.  She didn't know what she was about to ride and she ended up not liking them.  Totally understandable.  We're proud of her for riding them, though.
The girls were so good.  Dru was able to get fast passes to go on some of the more extreme rides by himself.  He said his favorite ride was the Indiana Jones ride.  Maybe next time we go, I'll get to try some of them out.  I had a hard time at some points with being pregnant and had to get out of line to sit down several times, but I really enjoyed our time.  I loved the moments when Dalia fell asleep in the stroller and I got to go sit in the shade and take a good break with her.  I wish we could have seen the fireworks show, but the girls, and I, couldn't have made it that long.  Though, even over a mile away, we got to hear the show at our hotel.  It was so loud.  It set off car alarms in the hotel parking lot.  The girls were always asleep by the time it started and it never woke them up.  They were beat.
On the last day and on our way out, we took to the girls to a shop to pick out a souvenir.  We influenced them a bit in their decisions, but the ended up getting a Mickey and Minnie stuffed animal.  They love them.
Now for the pictures.  Pictures tell a lot more than my words do.  There are a lot of pictures.

Day 1

Alice in Wonderland


Meeting Rapunzel

Buzz Lightyear Ride

Finding Nemo

Naptime and spotting Tiana

Tarzan Treehouse


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