Dru and I finally made it to the temple together. The temple here is almost 2 hours away in Oakland. The weekend before we went we watched some friends' kids for the day so that they could do. They watched ours for us so we could go. I was so worried about being away from Dalia for so long. She doesn't do too well with people she doesn't know well. She won't even go to nursery by herself. We got there a little later than we had anticipated and ended up having to wait for the session that started an hour later than the one we wanted. This temple is so much bigger than the Dallas temple and I kept getting turned around. This session was the biggest I'd ever attended. It was amazing. We had a lovely time, but I really couldn't wait to get back to my girls. Mina had a blast and didn't want to leave and Dalia didn't do as bad as I thought she would. She was glad to see us, though.
The Baileys called to let us know that the rest of the emu chicks had hatched. They ended up having to rescue them because the dads started fighting and hurting the babies. They brought them in the house and they were still small enough and calm enough to hold. Mina was all over that. She had such a good time holding and petting the babies. Dalia, once she got out of her "mood," enjoyed them, too.