Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Monday, September 27, 2010

Mina is a nerd

Mina loves to wear glasses. She makes the cutest little nerd I've ever seen. She's super smart, too. She can draw circles and snakes. Her vocabulary is expanding tremendously through the weeks, she figures puzzles out very quickly and is a very good problem solver. She loves to sleep, so it's very easy when it's time for bed. She's started potty training. She just loves to learn new things. She's always on the go and really only ever slow down when it's time for bed. She's so much fun. Her excitement for life is truly evident and contagious.

These are the words, names and animal sounds I can think of that she knows.

bye, hi, nose, mouth, eye, baby, pupbuh (puppy), ball, baba (bottle), tay-tu (thank you), burr (plane or bird), mama, dada, night-night, boo (book), tat (cat), shoe, tee (teeth), moo, Jshee (Jesus), me, cookie (for both a cookie and Cookie Monster), cracker, Grandma, Becca, Meagan, Whitlee, outside, go, uh-huh, circle, bubble, bite, seat, toe, Mina, Maymee (Amy), Dru, juice, bear, snack, shoo (bless you), bath, byy (butterfly), home, wee-wee-home (as in this little piggy), two, uh-oh, ow, whoa, sssss (what a snake says), rarrr (tiger sound), meow (cat sound), ah-ah-ah-oh-oh (monkey sound), owf (dog sound), uuuhhh (elephant sound), pee, poo, yay, I see see (I see you), help, Dora, Elmo, so (horse)

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