Monday, September 27, 2010
Maryland State Fair
Mina is a nerd
These are the words, names and animal sounds I can think of that she knows.
bye, hi, nose, mouth, eye, baby, pupbuh (puppy), ball, baba (bottle), tay-tu (thank you), burr (plane or bird), mama, dada, night-night, boo (book), tat (cat), shoe, tee (teeth), moo, Jshee (Jesus), me, cookie (for both a cookie and Cookie Monster), cracker, Grandma, Becca, Meagan, Whitlee, outside, go, uh-huh, circle, bubble, bite, seat, toe, Mina, Maymee (Amy), Dru, juice, bear, snack, shoo (bless you), bath, byy (butterfly), home, wee-wee-home (as in this little piggy), two, uh-oh, ow, whoa, sssss (what a snake says), rarrr (tiger sound), meow (cat sound), ah-ah-ah-oh-oh (monkey sound), owf (dog sound), uuuhhh (elephant sound), pee, poo, yay, I see see (I see you), help, Dora, Elmo, so (horse)