So I thought I would finally get around to blogging about our Christmas. We spent Christmas Eve at Dru's parents' house. We had a lovely dinner there. We put on our Christmas pajamas-- my family has a tradition of getting pajamas each Christmas Eve so we brought ours to the Jorgensen's house to wear that night. Mina looked so cute in hers. On Christmas morning we had a little program and gift exchange. We played the bells, sang songs and Dru and I did a silly skit with some "Chinese." Dru didn't speak any actual Chinese, it was just silly. It was a fun time with lots of loving family. After that was all wrapped up, we headed to my parents house to open more gifts and to have a delicious ham for dinner. It was delicious. I haven't had my mom's ham in years. I don't know how I've managed to miss so many holiday meals with my family. I guess going away to school and then getting married will do that to you. I'm just grateful we have the next few months to spend with our families.
Mina got lots of new toys and some cute clothes. She wasn't much interested in opening the gifts herself but was very excited to see and play with her toys. She gets really excited and almost impatient while waiting for us to take them out of the packaging. She had a lot of fun with all of the people around and commotion going on. I'd say it was a good first Christmas for her.
I didn't take many pictures on my camera. I'm kind of upset with myself for not even getting a family picture of us on Christmas. But, here are some of Mina and William. It's impossible to get a good picture of them together. Mina is either trying to steal something away from William or just being crazy, or William is falling over or crying for his pacifier. Haha. Got to love babies.
Mina decided that she likes to climb over people now. Even her little baby cousin. We don't question her motives. And William doesn't seem to mind all that much.

And here is the whole family plus spouses (minus Adam's wife Jess who is pregnant and Whitlee's soon to be spouse, Josh) and babies: