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Monday, December 7, 2009

Sick little baby Mina

Mina has had an on and off cold for the past month and a half. We took her to the doctors a couple of weeks ago and they just said that yeah it's a cold and nothing to worry about. She'll get better. We were never very worried. She was always her normal self and nothing seemed wrong other than she has just been congested and had a runny nose. I ended up with a painful sinus infection on Thanksgiving day and ended up taking sudafed to clear it up. I think that that helped Mina clear up too. Haha. But, since I've been better Mina has been congested again. Today she had to go in for her 6 month check up and shots, although she is 7 months old now. We asked the doctor if she thought it would still be okay for her to get her shots while being a little sick. She checked her out and determined that she was, indeed, just suffering from a cold, but also had ear infections in both ears. I never would have guessed it. Mina must just be one tough cookie. The doctor also determined that it was still safe to get her shots. Dru and I watched as she screamed while getting 4 shots. She calmed down pretty quickly after I picked her up to comfort her. Poor girl. We picked up her prescription for the ear infections, ran a couple more errands and then came home. I didn't know if she would like the medicine or not, but I do remember as a kid myself loving amoxacilin. It tasted like bubble gum. Sure enough, Mina loved it. She would not let me take the syringe out of her mouth and started crying when I did. She's so funny. Hopefully she'll be feeling better soon. She's napping now. :) In happier news, Mina weighed in at 18 pounds 3 ounces and is just about 27 inches tall. She remains in the 50 percentile for her height and the 75th for her weight. Chubbo. At her last doctors appointment the nurse was a tad worried about her head growth. It had dropped down from the 75th percentile to the 35th. Lol. I think she just measured wrong because today she was back up at the 75th percentile. All in all, she is a healthy, growing and happy baby.

Mina has been army crawling for about a month now. She gets up on all fours occasionally to rock a little bit, but as soon as she sees something she wants, she drops to her belly and is off. She is very quick. She loves to play in the entertainment center and pull out all of her videos. She also loves Dru's Xbox and all the cords that go to it. We've had to put blankets up to block her from getting to everything, but she knows how to lift the blankets up and look to see whats under there. She's pretty smart. She can clap her hands now and will give you a low "hi 5." She gives big open mouthed drool filled kisses and likes to play with our hair. If there are toys on the floor and other random household items or just random items, she will ignore the toys. Her favorite things to play with are the covers for her bottles, cell phones, cords or drawstrings on our clothes, this little laminated card of Dru's and her pacifiers. Mina has hated pacifiers her whole life. She likes them now. But, not to suck on them. Just to play with them and chew on them. She will not suck on them. She goes to bed every night at 10. If you put her to bed before 10 she WILL wake up at 10 only to be put back to sleep. Luckily, though, she sleeps until 6 or 7 every morning, wakes up to eat and then goes to sleep until 8 or 9 and, if we're lucky, 10. Going to bed at 10 is about the only consistent thing in her life, though. I never know when she is going to take a nap or if she even will. Sometimes it drives me nuts, but she really likes to play by herself for good periods of time, so I never have to hold her all the time. She laughs... occasionally. You have to be extremely entertaining and ridiculous to get her to laugh, unless you're a little kid or a dog. It's getting easier to make her laugh as the days go on, though, and I love that. When meeting new people she stares at them for a few minutes, and then when she decides she likes you she will start smiling at you and find something to do to show off especially if she's eating. Which, by the way, she does love her food. She loves any kind of fruit, but HATES green beans and tolerates peas. We have to alternate bites of fruit and green veggies in order for her to eat the greens. I have a hard time telling when she's full because when I feed her fruit it seems as if she will never stop eating. She just loves it. Pears and sweet potatoes seem to be her favorite so far.

Basically, we love our baby. She is wonderful and I can't imagine life without her. We can't believe she has been in our arms for more than 7 months now.

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