So Mina will be 6 months old on Friday! I cannot believe how fast the time has gone by. Here are some of the milestones or cool things she has reached or done these first wonderful months of her life:
May 5, 2009- Mina made her way into this world at 8:28 am, 8 pounds 3 ounces and 21 1/2 inches long.
May 16, 2009- Mina's umbilical cord stump fell off!
May 30, 2009- Mina enjoyed her first bath.
June 15, 2009- Mina slept for 6 hours straight!
June 21, 2009- Mina slept in her bassinet for 3 1/2 hours and mommy got some much needed rest.
July 9, 2009- Mina got her first set of shots. Sad day.
July 12, 2009- Mina pooped a lot. She also took a long nap in her swing so mommy and daddy could spend some time together.
July 13, 2009- Mina went to sleep on her own in her bassinet. (This going to sleep on her own only lasted a week, though.)
July 29, 2009- Mina rolled over for the first time (belly to back) and moved up to size 2 diapers. She was 12 weeks old.
August 2, 2009- Mina rolled over back to belly for the first time.
August 9, 2009- Mina laughed for the first time!
August 10, 2009- Mina went on her first plane ride.
September 5, 2009- Mina turned 4 months old and ate rice cereal for the first time. She also slept in her crib, by herself, in her own room for the first time.
September 12, 2009- Mina started sitting up by herself.
September 23, 2009- Mina sprouted her first two bottom teeth! 4 1/2 months old! Early teether.
October 5, 2009- Mina and mommy flew to Texas to see her new baby cousin William.
October 19, 2009- Mina started scooting all over the place to get whatever toy or item she desired.
October 22, 2009- Mina got her second set of shots. Another sad day.
October 31, 2009- Mina's first Halloween as a skunk!